Photographer Submission
Do you want free promotion for your male fitness photography? We offer a couple of options.

Option 1
Free promotion - you can submit professionally created photos and videos to feature on our social media pages with an enthusiastic following. We will tag you, which will lead to you getting new followers. In addition, some photographers are randomly selected to receive a special shoutout, where our in-house production team creates a vibrant video highlighting your work. Please note that we do not discriminate body types; however, this option requires that you submit well-polished photos and videos that match our posts.
Option 2
For this free option, you can become a feature on our blog page, consisting of a video interview, and display your work. We will send you a questionnaire to record on your own in a well-lit location. The final video and post will be a mixture of your interview with professional photography and videos that you submit. Our in-house production team consists of award-winning creators.
These options are to collaborate and are not for profit. To be considered, submit the form below. If you are interested in a monetary arrangement, see our Partnership page.
Thanks for your interest!